Discover All about the natural eating habits of your dog
I hope your pets are enjoying the raw dog food you've placed them on. I assure you that you're doing the right thing. And
you're saving money, too.
This update will give you all the do's and don'ts when feeding your dog. It's high time to understand the natural eating habits of your precious pet and companion.
We've already discussed how dogs possess the same digestive system as that of wolves and foxes - their counterparts that
live the wild. It's this close link that explains why you are harming them if you feed them with pelletized, grain-based, and factory-processed dog foods. Dogs are equipped to subsist mainly on raw meat and bones.
Here's more that you need to know about your dog:
Dogs like to eat sweets a lot more than your cats do. Cats have 473 taste buds, while dogs have about 1,700! Sweets will appeal more to dogs than to cats. If a dog eats dirt,
it may be because it is bored or it is lacking something in its diet. This doesn't happen to dogs on a raw dog food diet. Take note, you don't need to give your dog artificial
supplements. Supplements are useless to them regardless of what you hear on dog food commercials.
If a dog eats pooh, it is possible that it is experiencing anxiety or it lacks essential minerals in its diet. Many animals eat poop because poop has vitamins that are produced by intestinal bacteria, and those vitamins cannot be absorbed through the intestinal wall.
Here are the top things that you must never give to dogs:
Chocolate and caffeine are powerful stimulants for a dog. They will accelerate the dog's heartbeat and can lead to seizures or cardiac arrest. Chocolate and caffeine are also
diuretics which will lead to frequent urination, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Raisins and grapes create havoc with any dog's digestive system and kidneys. A dog fed with grapes or raisins will urinate frequently, vomit, and experience diarrhea.
Onions break down the red blood cells of dogs and will deprive him of essential oxygen in the cells. The effects are cumulative. The symptoms range from diarrhea to vomiting
and from exhaustion to fever.
Macadamia nuts are very harmful to dogs, even in small amounts. Macadamia nuts can cause palpitations, seizures, fever, and mild paralysis.
Alcoholic beverages, even in small amounts, can lead to alcoholic poisoning in dogs. It can result to digestive problems or death.
Bread dough rises and causes bloating. When bread dough rises inside the dog's stomach, it creates alcohol as one of its byproducts and thus leads to alcohol poisoning.
Avocado is toxic to dogs and also for many animals. This fruit contains a chemical that damages the heart, lungs, and other vital tissues in the bodies of animals.
Pitted fruits like pears, peaches, cherries, and apricots have small amounts of cyanide in their pits. They can be fatal, especially to small dogs.
Raw fish, particularly salmon and trout, can harbor parasitic flukes that only affect dogs. Raw fish parasite is fatal to dogs.