Choosing the Perfect Life Stage for Your Dog

The decision to have a dog comes with the responsibility to feed adequately. Knowing how the dog's food and when to make the necessary changes is crucial for the health of your dog. This includes knowing when to move your dog to another level of power. Most popular dog food brand specializing in the provision of dog food formula that meets the specific needs of your pet. The following information will help you determine the stage of life your dog is so you can choose the right foods to your diet.

· Food for Puppies - A puppy is considered a puppy between the ages of 1-12 months, depending on the breed of dog. Dry puppy food formula is often milder than adult food. It also contains more fat and protein for the dog grows. There are formulas that are specific for large breed puppies and small breed puppies, so make sure you choose a formula that works for your dog's breed.

· Food for adults - dry food for adult dogs are generally classified for dogs aged 13 months and 6 years. This food does not contain much fat as puppy food, but may contain more carbohydrates. There are specific types of adult food that is formulated for active dogs. You may want activity level yourpet consider when choosing the perfect dry food for adult dogs for your dog.

· Food for the elderly - Like humans, animals age and they need to follow a specific diet as they age. A dog can be considered a person when he reached the age of 6 or 7. Because they become less active dogs need low-fat diets, but high in fiber. The fiber will help keep your digestive system working properly. Low level of salt in high dog food will help the dog maintain a desirable weight.

· Formulas diet - you may find that your dog needs calorie conscious food at some point in their lives. If you are overweight, you want to choose a food that is specific to weight loss. If your dog's veterinarian puts you on a diet, which most likely will recommend a meal. This will make the choice of the appropriate diet formula easier.

The dogs go through different stages of life as they grow and need dry dog ​​food that will provide nutrition and calories. Know the appropriate life stage and when to adjust the food your dog will ensure it has the proper diet. Pay particular attention to the age of your dog so that you know when to change the formula. Feeding an adult dog puppy food will not be good for your health. Remember that, as your pet will need to adjust your food formula. It is useful to be educated on the stage of your dog's life so that it can assume its responsibility to feed it properly.